South South Dialogue

A collaboration of our South African branch with cultural institutions, partners, artists and writers with other countries of the global South.

© Washington Silvera


Brazilian Artist Washington Silvera will be staying in Johannesburg in September 2017 and a participation in a group show with the South African artist group "Dead Bunny Society" in Johannesburg is part of his residency.


Curitiba, PR, 1969.
Vive e trabalha em Curitiba, PR.
Representada pela Ybakatu Espaço de Arte.

Indicado ao PIPA 2012 e 2013.

Artista multidisciplinar, estudou na UFPR mas concluiu sua formação de forma autodidata. Expõe desde 1994. Em 2006 foi contemplado com a Bolsa Produção na Fundação Cultural de Curitiba, PR. Algumas de suas obras estão em coleções particulares e Instituições como O Museo de la Solidaridad, Fundación Salvador Allende em Santiago no Chile, Fundação Cultural de Curitiba, Museu Afro Brasil em São Paulo, Ole Faarup Collection Copenhagen.

the project - Kitchen Dub Experience (KDE)

The Kitchen Dub Experience is a work of art involving performance and site-specific work. The elements of this event are music, images and gastronomy delivered in a real time situation. Using a combination of timing, precision and maestry, the performance provokes a hyper-sensorial state between the participants and the artist. For about 1 hour, this mix of actions and phases of preparations of a number of courses of food are presented and offer to the viewers in a quasi-religious way. Physically this act of serving and preparing food to people combined with the celebratory mood of the live music, creates an ancient ritual of men's cultural history.

© Washington Silvera

© Washington Silvera
