Image © Mandy Coppes-Martin
Become/Belong emphasizes both: connection and development as both are fundamental to our wellbeing. Once they are compromised our wellbeing suffers. Awareness and a conscious understanding of our situation are key to healing and growing.
We support your investigation of your conceptions, narratives and identity patterns and ask together how you can consciously influence these to heal or to grow. We support you on your journey to tackle life’s fundamental questions.
We want to share our experience and knowledge with you to grow empathy, self-worth, to help you to fulfil your dreams and aspirations. We help you to cope with life’s challenges to become yourself and to be able to make a positive contribution to your community, society, to be an integral part of global change.
Please drop us an email and we will contact you in your preferred way of communication.
Email: become@syltfoundation.com.
Dipl.-Psych. Ina Wolf-Bauwens is a clinical psychologist with her own practice in Hamburg/Germany. She specialised in trauma counselling, gestalt therapy and salutogenesis.
Literary scholar, curator and writer Indra Wussow works as a coach using Narrative Therapy, Narrative Coaching and Transactional Analysis to support her clients in their wish to change and become their true selves.
We are happy to discuss your personal options, our fee structure with you.